The Wake Forest Panhellenic Council is the governing body of the seven National Panhellenic sororities on campus, as well as the Associate Member sorority (Kappa Beta Gamma). The Wake Forest Panhellenic Council promotes excellence in academics, community service, campus involvement, and sisterhood. The bond of sisterhood is a special relationship that all sorority women share in their individual chapters and together as a Panhellenic community. We are committed to the vision of creating respectful young women of service. We are not a governing body, we are a supporting body. Have ideas for us?  We'd love to hear them!

Panhellenic President - The Panhellenic President has overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic Council. This involves calling and presiding over all Panhellenic meetings and serving as an ex-officio member of all Panhellenic council committees, including the Recruitment Team. The President represents the PHC in all matters and meets weekly with members of the administration. While you are not responsible for specific tasks and events - you do check in with all other members of exec and committees to make sure that everything gets done. The President also attends monthly meetings with the Presidents of all Greek chapters on campus. The current Panhellenic President is Wickie Fort.

VP of Accountability - responsible for maintaining and upholding the Panhellenic bylaws to keep chapters accountable for council rules and procedures. Specifically, she must be able to handle recruitment violations and fines in a timely, impartial manner. VPA also serves as automatic Chairman of the Panhellenic Judicial Board and responsible for training chapter representatives. Finally, she will work with chapters to discuss health/well-being issues in the Panhellenic community. The current VP of Accountability is Kat Tsai.

VP of Finances - must keep track of all Panhellenic expenses and maintain a budget for the upcoming calendar year and for recruitment activities. She must promptly respond to all financial inquires and work closely with all members of the Exec Board to approve of expenses, including but not limited to, recruitment expenses, Panhellenic-sponsored event expenses, Panhellenic-sponsored scholarships, etc. The current VP of Finances is Janie O’Grady.

VP of Membership - in charge of planning all of Recruitment. VP of Membership is a two-year position that is elected in the Spring semester during Recruitment Team elections. If selected for the position in the Spring, the person shall serve as VP of Membership Assistant for the whole year (sophomore Spring semester and junior Fall semester) and then take over as VP of Membership for their junior Spring semester and senior Fall semester. VP of Membership is a two-year position so that they are given the opportunity to shadow the current chair and learn as much as possible about planning Recruitment. The current VP of Membership is Ashton Gupton.

VP of Campus Relations - works to boost the Panhellenic community as well as the Wake Forest community. Their main job is working with the 8 delegates from each sorority, which includes meeting with and overseeing the delegates to plan “sister sorority” events. VPCR will also have the responsibility of communicating with IFC and NPHC to work on joint projects and events. Finally, VPCR will work with other Wake organizations, like the Women’s Center, to partner up on projects with chapters and Panhellenic. The current VP of Campus Relations is Andrea Novaria.

VP of Community Relations - serves on the Panhellenic Council with the focus of facilitating service by the Panhellenic to benefit the greater Wake Forest community on a university, community, national, and global scale. This position traditionally has overseen the production Breast Cancer Fashion Show, and the planning of the event is delegated to one or more BCFS chairs selected by the VPCR. The Current VP of Community Relations is Milli Getz.

VP of Intellectual Growth - is in charge of emphasizing the importance of scholarship, academia, Professional development, and recognition among the Panhellenic community. One major duty of the VPIG is facilitating the selection of recipients for a Panhellenic-sponsored scholarships, offered twice a year. Another responsibility involves the planning and execution of the Greek Awards Banquet in the Fall semester. The current VP of Intellectual Growth is Allison O’Brien.

VP of Inclusion - is responsible for working with the various different offices that promote equality, inclusion, and safety on campus. She works to come up with creative ways to promote inclusion within the Panhellenic community. She oversees the Title IX liaisons from each chapter as well and works with new member educators to promote early inclusion training. Additionally she will help to foster a productive dialogue and relationship between the Panhellenic Community and NPHC. The current VP of Inclusion is Abigail Richardson.

VP of Operations - is responsible for taking minutes at all Panhellenic meetings and communicating them with the area advisor and Panhellenic listserve for council and delegate reference. THE VPO also oversees the Marketing committee chair to increase social media presence (including Instagram, Facebook, website, Snapchat, etc.) in regards to active member events and recruitment. She is also responsible for publishing any Panhellenic sponsored events to “The Link” internal web page and Greek newsletter. She is also in charge of reserving spaces on behalf of Panhellenic throughout the year. The current VP of Operations is Avery Hastings.