Nickname: KD
National Founding: 1897
WFU Charter: 1993
Chapter Name: Zeta Omicron
Symbol: Nautilus Shell, Dagger, and Diamond Shape
Mascot: Teddy Bear
Flower: White Rose
Philanthropy: Girl Scouts of the USA and Prevent Child Abuse America
Colors: Olive Green and Pearl White
Motto: "Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest"
Required GPA: 2.7
Chapter Website
National Website

Hear From Sisters

"KD made and makes me feel myself. During recruitment, the space KD held was something different to me. During recruitment, it was a place that took me for who I was and allowed me to forget about my insecurities in that short amount of time. Now, KD has become a place that is apart from the stress and hectic life of college. It is a support system where I feel I can laugh, cry and just live.”

"I went KD because every party I went to during rush I felt truly seen. The women I talked to genuinely cared about getting to know me as a person. When I walked into KD's parties I never felt judged or out of place. I knew in my heart from the first KD party I went to that I belonged in the chapter. I am grateful I went KD because my self confidence has increased significantly. The women in KD genuinely love to hype each other up; I have never been gassed up more by a group of people than by my KD sisters. The love and confidence that Kappa Deltas exude is unmatchable.”

"I love KD because, around this group of women, it is so easy to empower each other and feel empowered. The kind of confidence that KD embodies is so contagious, and that inspires me every day!”

"KD has given me a group of people that encourage me to go beyond my comfort zone and text my limits letting me know that they will support me along the way and be there for me if I fall.”

"More than just being wanted, KD made me feel loved. There is an honesty of self in KD that I hadn't seen anywhere else in my life, and it was so comforting to witness and is now so comforting to experience.”