Nickname: Theta
National Founding: 1870
WFU Charter: 2013
Chapter Name: Zeta Omicron
Symbol: Kite and Twin Stars
Flower: Black and Gold Pansy
Philanthropy: Court Appointed Special
Advocates for Children (CASA), Kappa Alpha Theta
Foundation, and Make Life Rosie
Colors: Black and Gold
Motto: "Faith, hope, love--these three, but the greatest of these is love"
Required GPA: 2.75
Chapter Website
National Website

Hear from Members!

“Theta gave me the most amazingly genuine girls who will always have my back and will hype me up when I need it most! They are an incredible second family and I am so lucky to be a Theta!”

“I love theta because I am constantly surrounded by smart, confident, and honest women. They inspire me everyday to be myself and step out of my comfort zone.”

“Since being in Theta, I have found a group of girls that supports me through both the good and bad times. Whether it's from bringing me food when I'm sick or sitting in Starbucks with me to talk about a tough day, these girls are here for me no matter what and I don't know where I'd be without them! I have definitely found my home in Theta and am so thankful to have met this amazing group of girls!”

“Theta gave me the sisters that I never had. They are there to cheer for me at my accomplishments and there to comfort me at my failures. I could not imagine my Wake Forest experience without Kappa Alpha Theta!”

“A part of me felt missing until I joined theta. The day I became a part of theta I found a support system, a family, and a great group of girls to share the best and worst memories with. To me theta is a group of girls who can be themselves and support one another through all of their endeavors.”