The Wake Forest University Panhellenic community consists of eight chapters. Wake Forest currently has seven National Panhellenic sororities on our campus: Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Zeta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, and Kappa Kappa Gamma. Our eighth chapter on campus, Kappa Beta Gamma, is an international women’s sorority that has over 17 chapters around the nation. Although Kappa Beta Gamma is not a National Panhellenic sorority, the chapter participates in Panhellenic recruitment alongside our other seven chapters.

At Wake Forest, we have a deferred recruitment system. This means that all Potential New Members (PNMs) will not go through formal recruitment until the beginning of the spring semester. A few events will be held throughout the fall semester that allow for Potential New Members to learn what opportunities the Sorority community holds and to have the chance to meet active members in each chapter. In November, Potential New Members will register for Formal Recruitment and receive the necessary information over the following weeks. Please visit our Recruitment tab for more information about the Recruitment process at Wake Forest.

Sorority Life at Wake Forest does not have on-campus or off-campus sorority houses. Instead, all eight sororities have their own lounges on campus. A sorority lounge is in the bottom floor of an upperclassmen residence dorm. The typical lounge has a family room like area where members can gather to socialize, study, or hold meetings. Above the sorority lounges, there are a set number of rooms for active sorority members to live in as a sophomore, junior, or senior. These are devoted as the sorority’s “halls” or “suites”. However, due to the set number of rooms, not all members will have the opportunity to live on the halls.

Chapter meetings for all eight sororities are held every Monday night. Chapter meetings are not held in lounges, but in large auditorium rooms in Benson Center on campus. Chapter meetings are a time for members to update each other on events within and outside the sorority. Attending the Chapter meetings is usually the only weekly required event for a member of chapter.

All eight chapters also have at least one national philanthropy that they support throughout the year. Embodying the Pro Humanitate spirit of Wake Forest, women in sorority life enthusiastically carry out service events in the fall and spring that support a wide range of philanthropies. In addition to their own philanthropies, all eight chapters also work to support Panhellenic’s national philanthropy, Circle of Sisterhood.

Greek life at Wake Forest also provides an incredible opportunity for leadership experience, whether that be through a specific chapter and/or Panhellenic. All eight chapters hold yearly executive board elections for active members that will lead their chapter in a variety of areas for the calendar year. Many chapters also have smaller leadership positions within their chapter like Academic Chairs, Social Excellence Chairs, or Philanthropy Chairs. In addition, Panhellenic also hosts yearly executive board elections. Any member from any chapter can run for a Panhellenic executive board position, and usually the majority of the eight sororities are represented on Panhellenic Executive Council. Furthermore, Panhellenic provides many more leadership opportunities through committees for events held throughout the year. Upon joining the sorority community, new members will learn ample information about leadership opportunities provided in the future.